Conversion Rate Optimization

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What Percentage of Your Website’s Traffic Do You Convert Into Leads?

Conversion rate optimization planning

With our custom process, Digitally Savvy can help you double your campaigns’ conversion rates. We can ensure that the hard earned money you’re spending to promote your brand are not only driving qualified traffic but, most importantly, converting them into leads!

By improving the on-site user experience, updating your sales-focused landing pages and optimizing the marketing automation funnel, we will help you drive more leads and sales.

Our CRO Solution

Ongoing Adjustments

As we implement A/B and multivariate tests and make design adjustments to the landing pages, homepage, and other sections of your website, we review the changes in user behaviour and make adjustments on an ongoing basis to optimize your conversion rates and generate more leads.


Based on our created hypotheses and ongoing leaders, we develop experiments to improve your conversion rates. By using industry-leading software, we conduct multi-variate testing on a percentage of your website’s traffic and them implement the learnings for all site visitors to be more likely to convert.

Track Results, Report, and Optimize

Every Digitally Savvy client benefits from the continuous improvement culture we’ve established to serve the brands that trust us with their conversion rate optimization. We track your conversion rate optimization program’s performance on an ongoing basis, have regular calls with you to keep you in the loop on our optimization efforts, deliver monthly reports to explain in detail the change your brand is seeing in terms of traffic, leads and sales. We’re here to help you succeed and adjust our conversion rate optimization efforts to drive the biggest revenue impact possible.

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